Legal Terms
Image Access GmbH makes every effort to include accurate and complete information on this website. However, Image Access GmbH makes no warranties of any kind that the information provided through this web site is accurate, complete or current.
The intellectual property contained in this web site, e.g. patents, trademarks and copyrights, is protected. This web site does not grant a license for use of intellectual property of Image Access or any third parties.
In no event shall Image Access GmbH be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, whether in an action of contracts, negligence, or other action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of documents, services, or information available from this web site. Image Access GmbH may, at any time, revise the information on this web site without notice and makes no commitment to update this information.
Referrals and Links
Image Access GmbH is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The hypertext links provided herein are meant only as a convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Image Access GmbH of the referenced site.
The contents of this web site are copyrighted. However, Image Access GmbH hereby grants you the right to store and reproduce any text material provided on this website and other material specifically marked for download. Due to copyright law, it is not permitted to store or reproduce any pictures and/or charts displayed on this web site.
A cookie is a small text file, which is placed with your permission on your computer´s hard drive. We have made every possible effort to ensure that our web site will work with or without cookies enabled. Not all cookies are the same. There are two kinds of cookies: temporary cookies and log cookies. Temporary cookies are used to maintain the users session and to tell the server which page to call up next. Log cookies tell us which pages are being used. Cookies help us to improve our web site to better meet your needs. However, a cookie holds only technical data; it does not contain any personal information, tell us your email-address or who you are.
Data Protection and Personal Data
Image Access GmbH guarantees that industry-recognized data protection standards, both technological and organizational, are implemented on this website. The security measures are always posted in accordance with the latest technological evolutions.
We are highly concerned with the protection of your personal data. In some situations, we may ask you to input some personal data so that we can process your inquiry correctly (e.g. when ordering material from the website). Image Access GmbH will handle any personal data entered on the website with confidentiality and will not pass it on to third parties. In addition, Image Access GmbH feels obligated to observe all national and international data protection rules and regulations.